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41 results found

€1,135,000 Restaurant in Vorselaar €1,135,000


€199,000 Dwelling in Lille 1.57 km outside Vorselaar €199,000

 3  161m²
Cozy house with 3/4 bedrooms

€1,495,000 Villa in Grobbendonk 1.66 km outside Vorselaar €1,495,000

 2  700m²
Well located commercial property with apartment on 785m² of land

€1,495,000 Shop in Grobbendonk 1.66 km outside Vorselaar €1,495,000

Well located commercial property with apartment on 785m² of land

€685,000 Dwelling in Lille 1.67 km outside Vorselaar €685,000

 5  293m²
Gorgeous House With 5 Bedrooms And 3 Bathrooms

€348,000 Dwelling in Grobbendonk 1.68 km outside Vorselaar €348,000

 3  140m²

€498,000 Dwelling in Zandhoven 1.94 km outside Vorselaar €498,000

 2  177m²

€18,000 Land in Lille 2.47 km outside Vorselaar €18,000


€219,900 Flat in Herentals 2.92 km outside Vorselaar €219,900

 2  110m²

€485,000 Land in Zandhoven 4.34 km outside Vorselaar €485,000


€835,000 Villa in Zoersel 4.66 km outside Vorselaar €835,000

 5  347m²

€535,000 Dwelling in Zoersel 4.99 km outside Vorselaar €535,000

Spacious villa on 1,350m² of land

€1,500,000 Dwelling in Zandhoven 5.43 km outside Vorselaar €1,500,000

 3  270m²

€1,500,000 Industry in Zandhoven 5.43 km outside Vorselaar €1,500,000


€190,000 Dwelling in Herenthout 5.87 km outside Vorselaar €190,000

New price

€2,350,000 Villa in Zandhoven 5.96 km outside Vorselaar €2,350,000

 5  628m²
Beautiful Country House dated 1812 estate Bergenhof on approximately 2.9 hectare...
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